Caldecott's Summer Adventure
Young people from the Caldecott Foundation’s houses in Kent and Nottinghamshire are gearing up for an action-packed adventure in the great outdoors.

Thanks to Caldecott’s supporters, vulnerable children will enjoy an exciting and fulfilling Summer Camp during their break from school.
Kayaking; archery; climbing; trampolining; zipwire and team-building challenges await the Foundation’s young people at a specialist multi-purpose activity centre in the English countryside.
They will sleep in tents, cook outdoors and gather round a campfire in the evenings.
But while Summer Camp enriches the lives of disadvantaged children – who, in some cases, might not have had a holiday before – it’s about much more than that.
“Worthwhile leisure activities are very important for all children, but especially for those who have suffered trauma”, said Karin, Fundraising Manager for the Caldecott Foundation, “because they equip children with skills for life. It’s part of the growing-up process.
“Summer Camp provides external stimulation, but also access to new interests and outdoor pursuits. These are essential for building confidence and raising self-esteem – leading to a sense of achievement, greater trust amongst peers and adults and better social bonding. We know from previous years that our young people often return to the Foundation with a refreshed perspective on life.”

Once again, Summer Camp has been funded through donations from charitable trusts and individual fundraisers.
“To give traumatised children an experience like this is a key element in the broad range of opportunities that we aim to offer”, Karin continued. “Summer Camp has a really positive impact on our young people and we’re incredibly grateful to our supporters, because their generosity enables us to make the difference to these children’s lives.”
If you’d like to help fund future projects, please click here.