Caldecott School's Christmas Celebration
Caldecott School has marked the end of a successful term and the start of the Christmas holidays with a Celebration of Achievement and a trip to the local pantomime.

In early December the whole school boarded the coach to Canterbury to see “Mother Goose” at the Marlowe Theatre. “Everybody had a fantastic time”, said a staff member who had accompanied pupils to the production.
Then, before breaking for the holidays, the whole school came together as parents and carers joined pupils and staff for an acknowledgement of achievements and a traditional Christmas dinner.

Festive tables were laid in the style of an awards ceremony and young people were rewarded for their efforts and contributions to school this term, with individual certificates and verbal recognition from Caldecott’s Head Teachers. Many pupils had moved from Primary to Secondary provision since September, and were praised for their smooth and successful transitions.
“It’s important that we have this, because it’s about everyone coming together”, said Zoe Pegden, Primary Lead for Caldecott School.
Following the presentation of certificates, the school staff performed a Makaton signing rendition of “Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree”, which everyone was invited to sing along to. Afterwards, parents and carers visited classrooms to see the work produced by pupils this term, before returning to the school hall for a tasty turkey lunch with all the trimmings.
“This has been a real highlight of the term”, Zoe Pegden continued. “All the staff have pulled together this week to make today really special, showing great teamwork and true spirit. Today is about us all coming together; children, staff and families; to celebrate everyone’s achievements, and it’s the perfect time of year to do it!”