Caldecott School Pupils Wow Judges With Projects
The Caldecott School’s Independent Learning Project (ILP) for term 3 resulted in the highest standard of entries since the initiative was launched, says Project Lead, Jerry Evans.
The ILP has been running termly for four years at the Caldecott School and gives pupils the opportunity to engage with curriculum-based work in a format of their choice.
Broken down into modules covering all aspects of learning, the ILP allows pupils to earn points against the tasks they complete, with freedom of creativity in their interpretation.

At the end of each term, judges award gift voucher prizes for first, second and third placed entries, in recognition of pupils’ efforts and achievements.
“It’s low pressure, but high incentive”, says Jerry, Lead Teacher for High Needs, Virtual and Outreach Provision at the Caldecott School.
“The ILP offers an alternative method of engagement to our young people, some of whom have extreme challenges to overcome. This makes learning fun.
“Here our pupils have the opportunity to express themselves in an alternative way to mainstream school, because we can be more flexible.”
Rotating on a three-yearly cycle, topics for each term’s ILP have ranged from Sports to The Seaside to A Victorian Christmas to Mountains, Volcanoes and Earthquakes.
“Since we began the ILP in 2014 it’s developed into something really special”, continued Jerry “and we’ve seen pupils put so much thought into their projects as the stakes have got higher.

“It’s become a constant in school life – part of the familiar environment and secure base we provide for our young people at the Caldecott School.”
Term 3’s ILP theme was Crime and Punishment, with tasks ranging from writing a 250-word crime story featuring a famous detective to designing a prisoner’s last meal to creating a model of a Victorian gaol cell.
First place went to Dylan, a Y5 primary pupil with second place awarded to Lily in Y7. For Lily, completing the ILP represented her first piece of independent work in two years.
“Dylan was so pleased to get this recognition for his work”, said Jerry, “and for Lily, this has been a massive boost for her self-confidence and self-esteem.
“We’re seeing more pupils than ever engaging in the ILP and the standard of entries is improving each term. Good luck to everyone for term 4!”